๐Ÿฌ HCF Spawn AQUATIC ๐Ÿณ (a)


Before loading the schematic or schema, run the command:

โ€ข /gamerule randomTickSpeed 0 (because the leaves from trees can fall down)
๐Ÿฌ HCF Spawn AQUATIC ๐Ÿณ (a)

Discover the beauty and majesty of aquatic life as you explore the mysterious seabed. Watch as the factions give their all.

โ€ข Java World and/or .Schematic
โ€ข Minecraft Bedrock .mcworld file

Original price was: $ 9.99.Current price is: $ 4.79.

Image link
Build Overview


The files that can be brought are the following:

Java Schematic / Java World:
โ€ข 1.8 - 1.11 with 1.8 blocks
โ€ข 1.12 - 1.15 with 1.12 blocks
โ€ข 1.16 - 1.18 with 1.16 blocks
โ€ข 1.19+ with 1.19 blocks

Minecraft Bedrock:
โ€ข .mcworld file

Not all products contain the world file or schematics.

๐Ÿฌ HCF Spawn AQUATIC ๐Ÿณ (a):

Embark on a unique underwater adventure with HCF Spawn AQUATIC. Immerse yourself in a virtual world where aquatic life comes to life in every corner. Get ready to explore a stunning underwater kingdom and experience an exciting fusion of PvP and iconic HCF elements.

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